Sendero Verde


Number of units

750,000 SF

Property size

Sendero Verde is a 709-unit, permanently affordable housing development in East Harlem. This transformative, nearly full-block project has two phases of development.

The first phase of Sendero Verde has been completed and includes 361 units for households ranging from very low to moderate income, as well as the formerly homeless. Offering expansive community spaces, the first phase of the development also provides approximately 12,000 square feet for a Union Settlement Association community center for seniors and youth, 50,000 SF for a school facility, a publicly accessible elevated courtyard with a variety of active and passive recreation spaces, and over 11,500 SF of Greenthumb Community Gardens. Sendero Verde’s second phase includes a 34-story tower with 348 units.

Sendero Verde is the largest multifamily residential Passive House in the United States. The residential environment at Sendero Verde offers healthy indoor air quality, superior thermal comfort, and high levels of energy efficiency, consuming only a small fraction of the energy used by conventional buildings to heat, cool and ventilate.



American Architecture Award 2021 NYHC Community Impact Award NYSERDA Buildings of Excellence Awards The Architect's Newspaper Best of Design Awards