Jared Jackson

A Moment with Jared Jackson, L+M’s 2023 Development Intern

L+M reached out to the 2023 intern cohort to find out more about their intern experience and how it informed their professional development. This submission is from Jared Jackson, who interned with our Development team.

What impact did the 2023 summer internship program have on you professionally and personally?

The 2023 summer real estate development internship program significantly impacted both my professional and personal growth. It offered hands-on experience in market analysis, property valuation, and development planning, enhancing my practical skills and deepening my understanding of real estate processes. Collaborating with diverse professionals improved my technical, communication, and teamwork abilities, while real-world challenges with industry experts provided valuable insights into the complexities of the market. Personally, the internship boosted my confidence, adaptability, and networking skills. Overall, it played a crucial role in shaping my career, providing practical skills, industry knowledge, and personal growth opportunities for future success in real estate development.

How did L+M live up to its mission “Working Together to Building Stronger Communities” through its internal culture and the community they serve?

L+M embodies its mission “Building Stronger Communities” through a collaborative internal culture and impactful external initiatives. Internally, teamwork and open communication drive innovation. Externally, L+M engages communities, creating developments aligned with their needs, including affordable housing and partnerships with local organizations for education and empowerment.

Based on your experience at L+M, how will the summer experience for the next generation of interns impact their professional development?

The upcoming summer experience for interns at L+M could significantly boost their professional development. Real-world projects, diverse exposure, and collaboration with professionals can enhance their skills and industry understanding. The experience may align them with L+M’s values, develop networking connections, and provide a strong foundation for their future careers in real estate.

What advice do you have for the 2024 summer interns?

The 2024 summer interns should embrace a proactive learning mindset in real estate development, network with colleagues and mentors for guidance and future opportunities, don’t hesitate to ask questions, seek exposure to various aspects of development, and take initiative when possible. They should also collaborate effectively, maintain professionalism, welcome feedback for growth, approach challenges with problem-solving skills, reflect on experiences, and strive to leave a positive impact on the company and communities. Your enthusiasm and dedication can shape a successful future in real estate development.

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