The first phase of the Marcus Garvey Extension Project consists of three buildings located at 367 Bristol Street (B), 747 Thomas Boyland Street (D) and 461 Chester Street (F), totaling 365,000 GSF and 348 units of affordable housing for households earning between 30% and 80% of AMI. ( Sites B and D comprise of 174 units, and Site F has an additional 174 units.)
Building B contains 52 supportive housing units dedicated to families coming out of shelters, with Women in Need providing services and programming for those units. Building F contains 52 supportive housing units for people re-entering the community after incarceration, and the Osborne Association is providing services and programing for these units. The project was financed through HFA’s SHOP, MIHP, and NCP programs with the supportive units financed through the ESSHI program.
Phase 1 includes over 10,000 GSF of ground floor commercial and community facility space that will activate the Livonia Avenue commercial corridor and provide neighborhood serving retail and programs.